34 recruiters in the list
I have an initial 30 minute call with clients to convey their challenges to the consultants. The consulting firm, dss+ (www.consultdss.com), is a global top-ranked consulting firm for removing employee risk and injury. I worked as embedded internal contractor for dss+ for 4 years, achieving 130% of goal annually. My goal was based on the number of quality initial client discussions with companies’ Executives at companies with $200 million in revenue. My goal was made up of the number of quality meetings set that resulted in revenue. The initial discussion I had resulted in opportunities of $100,000 over the first few months, then became multi-million dollar opportunities within one to two years. I can work for any consulting company or any industry. My introductory 5-minute video: https://drive.proton.me/urls/DHYG9DAB0C#MB8tsXByBdGY
I’d like to request a meeting with you -
Thank you,
Hilary Simon
cell: 757-635-4840
office: 336-307-2266, smart saavy, Management Consulting, marketing, demand generation, vl, vetted, cm recruiting, cm recruiting, grapevine, experience factor, experience factor, smart savvy, remedy intelligent, Remedy intelligent staffing, strategic resourc consultants, strategic resourc consultants, strategic resource, jr associates, CPO recruiting, Todd englander, smith hanley, executive search international, crandall ass, hire source, victoria james, bristol assoc, torch group, Petrochemical, torch group, sts staffing, sts staffing, tmb recuit, tm8 recruitment, tm8, Management Consulting, Management Consulting, management consulting, risk management consulting, consulting