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Career in Blockchain analytics & business models
5 recruiters in the list
Looking for a role in blockchain firms doing market analysis or tokenomics modelling. I have experience in technology global businesses, strategic, innovation and financial modelling. I was born in Barbados and currently live in South Africa, blockchain, blockchain
Proof of Talent
Proof of talent is a recruiting and search firm that works with clients exclusively in the blockchain and cryptocur
Fintech Recruiter
We are headquartered in toronto, canada and have placed candidates in key fintech, blockchain and cryptocurrency hu
Crypto Recruit
Global specialist recruiters to blockchain and cryptocurrency industry
Blockchain Cryptocurrency
Andromeda Cryptocurrency Recruitment
As bitcoin believers since 2011, we have extensive knowledge of the ins-and-outs of the blockchain & cryptocurrency
Blockchain Headhunter
We specialize in recruitment & executive search for blockchain, crypto, ico (initial coin offering), sto (securitie
Blockchain Cryptocurrency